Should I purchase a service contract? |
It depends on your specific usage and needs. |
Should I Lease or Buy? |
Many businesses prefer to lease for tax benefits and ease the capital requirements. |
What are some of the critical determining factor for the price of copiers? |
Monthly volume capacity, copier speed, and optional features such as auto feeder & sorter is what drives the price up and down. |
Can I purchase supplies from other dealers? |
Yes. But you’ll call us after you compare our price with other dealers. |
Is a digital copier the one for me? |
Analog copiers are quickly disappearing from the copier market place. |
What is Cost Per Copy? |
Cost Per Copy(CPC) is a management tool to shop, compare, and maintain office copiers. Cost per copy may be used to budget office copier expense. |
What is considered as a low cost per copy? |
Lowest cost per copy is achieved by heavy users. |
Would you recommend Multi Functional (Copier/Scanner/Fax/Printer)? |
Multi-Functional products are recommended for light users without specific needs. |